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Open Educational Resources and Affordable Internet Options

With the precautions surrounding COVID-19, colleges and universities are turning towards virtual learning to prevent further outbreaks. Instructional material from a multitude of organizations is being temporarily put online free to students to help them during this process.

The following websites provide current online, free educational resources to help supplement the educational material that your institution provides to you.

**These websites will be monitored and updated with current links**


If you cannot make it to a place that offers WiFi during the COVID-19 pandemic, here is more information on how to secure affordable Internet at home:

General information concerning internet connection during the COVID-19 pandemic.


- AT&T Access

  • Provides low-cost internet service for eligible households.
  • $5 - $10 a month depending on location and Internet speed.
  • Free installation and in-home Wi-Fi.
  • No annual contract or deposit.


- Comcast Response to COVID-19

- Internet Essentials from Comcast

  • Eligible new customers will receive two free months of internet service.
  • $9.95 plus tax per month for in-home Wi-Fi.
  • No installation fees, term contract, or credit check.
  • Deadline to apply and be approved has been extended to December 31, 2020.


- Spectrum Internet Assist

  • Eligible new customers can receive more affordable internet service.
  • Includes in-home Wi-Fi for $5 a month.
  • No contracts.

Faculty Resources

Supplemental Student Resources

Resources for PHSC Students with K-12 Children at Home