National hotlines and helplines exist to assist both victims of domestic and dating violence. They can be accessed by calling, texting or chatting, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Listed below is contact information for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Love is Respect (for teen relationships).
To reach a trained domestic violence advocate:
or click the above link to Chat.
To reach a trained counselor with concerns about your teen dating relationship:
or click the Love Is Respect link to Chat.
Intimate partner violence is a national epidemic in the United States that affects people from every walk of life regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, financial status, faith, or ethnic group. Abuse in relationships does not just occur in marital relationships or among couples who live together but is also prevalent in teen dating relationships.
This LibGuide informs readers about the characteristics of both domestic and dating violence, defines types of abuse, links to national intimate partner statistics, provides safety resources including links to shelters and legal assistance in communities across the United States, shares information about how to help a friend or loved one who is a victim of abuse, and includes ideas about ways to start an awareness and prevention campaign in your school or community. For anyone researching the topic, the Books and eBooks and the Research Links tabs contain an array of physical and digital materials available in our collection.
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► Check the Staying Safe tab on this LibGuide for more information about internet use and safety for domestic and dating violence victims.
This link ncadv_florida_fact_sheet_2020.pdf ( provides domestic violence statistics in Florida.
For information about domestic violence in other states, search State-by-State (
Florida's Domestic Violence Hotline
For more information about their services, visit Domestic Violence | Florida DCF (
Pasco County has two domestic violence service locations.
1. The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program of West Pasco
2. Sunrise Domestic and Sexual Violence Center, Also Known As: Sunrise of Pasco
Hernando County domestic violence service center:
Dawn Center of Hernando County
Hillsborough County domestic violence services:
The Spring of Tampa Bay
Pinellas County has two domestic violence resource centers.
1.The Haven of RCS, Also Known As: RCS Pinellas
2.Community Action Stops Abuse Also Known As: CASA