The American Folklife Center
The collections of the American Folklife Center include Native American song and dance; ancient English ballads; the tales of "Bruh Rabbit," told in the Gullah dialect of the Georgia Sea Islands; the stories of ex-slaves, told while still vivid in the minds of those who endured one of the most harrowing periods of American history; an Appalachian fiddle tune that has been heard on concert stages around the world; a Cambodian wedding in Lowell, Massachusetts; a Saint Joseph's Day Table tradition
Becoming Human
The Institute of Human Origins has made a commitment to science education, and the creation of our "Webby" award-winning and American Association for the Advancement of Science approved website,, is one of the ways IHO has been providing paleoanthropological topics for online users of all ages.
Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
The Center fosters better understanding between peoples through the publication and distribution of literature written and voiced by leading contributors from Fourth World Nations. An important goal of CWIS is to establish cooperation between nations and to democratize international relations between nations and between nations and states.
Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
Learn more about enslaved Africans and their descendants living in the Chesapeake, Carolinas, and Caribbean during the Colonial and Ante-Bellum Periods. Analyze and compare archaeological assemblages and architectural plans from different sites at unprecedented levels of detail.
Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade
With the help of scholars, educators, and family historians, Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade ( is rapidly expanding in 2021. We are building a robust, open-source architecture to discover, connect, and visualize 600,000 (and growing) people records and 5 million data points. From archival fragments and spreadsheet entries, we see the lives of the enslaved in richer detail. Explore the data and life stories on and read articles on data-driven research about the lives of the enslaved in the Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation.
Giza Digital Library
The Giza Digital Library provides freely accessible monographs, articles, and manuscripts on the Giza Necropolis.
Institute of Human Origins
The Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University is the leading research organization in the United States devoted to the science of human origins.
What Does It Mean To Be Human?
The theme of the Human Origins Initiative of the Smithsonian Institution – reflects one of humanity’s most profound quests. The initiative’s goal is to explore the universal human story at its broadest time scale. It seeks to stimulate new research findings that deepen an understanding of what makes our species unique and how we came to be.
Accessible Archives
An American history archive collection that includes;
* African American Newspapers, 1827-1909
* America & World War I: American Military Camp Newspapers, 1916-1923
* American County Histories
* The Civil War Collection, 1855-1869
* Frank Leslie’s Weekly, 1855-1922
* Godey’s Lady’s Book, 1830-1898
* The Liberator, 1831-1865
* The Liberator, 1831-1865
* The Liberator, 1831-1865
* Quarantine and Disease Control in America Series, Parts I-II
* South Carolina Newspapers, 1732-1780
* The Virginia Gazette, 1736-1780
* The Woman’s Tribune, 1883-1909
* Women’s Suffrage Collection
African American Oral History Collection
A digital collection from the University of Louisville
American Women
The site contains a slightly expanded and fully searchable version of the print publication American Women: A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women's History and Culture in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2001). Remembered and Reclaimed, an online reference center makes available a wealth of materials on African American history in one central location on the Internet. These materials include an online encyclopedia of over 1,500 entries, the complete transcript of over 125 speeches given between 1789 and 2008, over 100 full text primary documents, bibliographies, timelines and four gateway pages with links to 50 digital archive collections
Briscoe Center for American History: Digital Collections
The Briscoe Center strives to provide online access to its historical documentation. Through this page, the public can discover documents, photographs, illustrations, book excerpts, moving images, sound recordings, and even artifacts digitized by the Briscoe Center’s staff.
Digital Library On American Slavery
The Digital Library on American Slavery offers data on race and slavery extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth-century documents and processed over a period of eighteen years. The Digital Library contains detailed information on about 150,000 individuals, including slaves, free people of color, and whites.
Documenting the American South
Documenting the American South (DocSouth) is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. Currently DocSouth includes fourteen thematic collections of books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, and songs.
Duke Collection of American Indian Oral History
The Duke Collection of American Indian Oral History online provides access to typescripts of interviews (1967 -1972) conducted with hundreds of Indians in Oklahoma regarding the histories and cultures of their respective nations and tribes. Related are accounts of Indian ceremonies, customs, social conditions, philosophies, and standards of living. Members of every tribe resident in Oklahoma were interviewed.
Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project
In October 2000, the U.S. Congress passed legislation creating the Veterans History Project. To mark the Project’s tenth anniversary, VHP staff members selected these collections as among their favorites and as representative of the diversity and depth of the Project.
Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930
Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930, is a web-based collection of historical materials from Harvard's libraries, archives, and museums that documents voluntary immigration to the United States from the signing of the Constitution to the onset of the Great Depression.
InMotion: The African-American Migration Experience
n Motion: The African-American Migration Experience presents a new interpretation of African-American history, one that focuses on the self-motivated activities of peoples of African descent to remake themselves and their worlds. Of the thirteen defining migrations that formed and transformed African America, only the transatlantic slave trade and the domestic slave trades were coerced, the eleven others were voluntary movements of resourceful and creative men and women, risk-takers in an exploitative and hostile environment. Their survival skills, efficient networks, and dynamic culture enabled them to thrive and spread, and to be at the very core of the settlement and development of the Americas. Their hopeful journeys changed not only their world and the fabric of the African Diaspora but also the Western Hemisphere.
Public Papers of the Presidents
The official publication of United States Presidents' public writings, addresses, and remarks is published by the Federal Register.
Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842
Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842, contains approximately 2,000 documents and images relating to the Native American population of the Southeastern United States from the collections of the University of Georgia Libraries, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville Library, the Frank H. McClung Museum, the Tennessee State Library and Archives, the Tennessee State Museum, the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, and the LaFayette-Walker County Library. The documents are comprised of letters, legal proceedings, military orders, financial papers, and archaeological images relating to Native Americans in the Southeast.
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages.
UCLA Asian American Studies Center
Since its founding in 1969, the Center has established partnerships, collaborations, and exchanges with hundreds of public and private institutions across the nation and around the world, and has played a critical role in developing Southern California’s infrastructure of social service agencies, civil rights organizations, museums, historical societies, media and cultural groups, and business associations that serve and represent the Asian American and Pacific Islander population.
Voices From the Days of Slavery
The almost seven hours of recorded interviews presented here took place between 1932 and 1975 in nine Southern states. Twenty-three interviewees, born between 1823 and the early 1860s, discuss how they felt about slavery, slaveholders, coercion of slaves, their families, and freedom. Several individuals sing songs, many of which were learned during the time of their enslavement.
Voices of American Presidents
The Voices of American Presidents have been captured by audio pioneers since the early days of sound recording. The invention of Edison's phonograph ushered in a new era of "recorded" history, beginning with President Benjamin Harrison in the late nineteenth century to the present day administration.
American History - 18th Century
The Adams Papers Digital Edition
The Adams Papers Digital Edition comprises John Adams’s complete diaries, selected legal papers, and the ongoing series of family correspondence and state papers.
Founders Online
Founders Online is the collected digital version of the authoritative, federally funded Founding Fathers Papers projects. The six Founding Fathers Papers are detailed collections of all the documents authored and received by, or related to, the six major shapers of the United States: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Founders Online currently contains nearly 120,000 fully annotated and fully searchable documents. Also included are transcriptions of thousands of documents that have not yet appeared in the published volumes, provided via the Early Access program. When complete, Founders Online will include approximately 175,000 documents.
Papers of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin is a collaborative undertaking by a team of scholars at Yale University to collect, edit, and publish the writings and papers of one of America's most remarkable founding fathers and indeed one of the most extraordinary people this nation has ever produced. His ever-curious and inventive mind explored nearly every aspect of his world, both pragmatic and theoretical, and he corresponded with an astonishing range of men and women of all classes and nearly all professions.
Papers of the War Department 1784 to 1800
These Papers record far more than the era’s military history. Between 1784 and 1800, the War Department was responsible for Indian affairs, veteran affairs, naval affairs (until 1798), as well as militia and army matters. During the 1790s, the Secretary of War spent seven of every ten dollars of the federal budget (debt service excepted).
Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia
The trusted source for information on Thomas Jefferson and his world.
American History - 19th Century
1848-1865: The Gold Rush Era
Archive related to the California Gold Rush
Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War: A Collection of Digitized Books
Biographies of and writings by Abraham Lincoln and his contemporaries; works pertaining to slavery in the United States and to the American Civil War. The collection is a subset of the University of Illinois Digitized Books Collection.
Civil War Collection
The Western Michigan University Libraries United States Civil War Collection was launched in 2007 with eight diaries of men with connections to Michigan or the Midwest.
Civil War Diaries Transcription Project
An digital collection of diaries from the American Civil War.
Civil War in the American South
This site currently links to more than 8804 items from 23 libraries. The shared collection continues to grow, providing ready access to a world-class collection of primary source materials from the American Civil War era.
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
In 1953, the Abraham Lincoln Association published The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, a multi-volume set of Lincoln's correspondence, speeches, and other writings. The edition is now freely available in electronic form, an invaluable resource to Lincoln scholars.
Haymarket Affair Digital Collection
The Chicago Historical Society has created this digital collection to provide on-line access to its primary source materials relating to the Haymarket Affair, a controversial moment in Chicago's past and a pivotal event in the early history of the American labor movement. The digital collection presents images of key documents and artifacts in their historical context with a minimum of interpretive information.
Lincoln Collection
The Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection brings together two organizations and many thousands of objects. Management of the Collection is shared by the Indiana State Museum and the Allen County Public Library. The mission and vision are for the Collection to be both comprehensive and accessible. The history of the Collection dates to 1928, connecting people, places, pieces of history, even points in time.
Military Resources: Civil War
Resources from the National Archives
Military Resources: War of 1812
Resources from the National Archives
New-York Historical Society, Civil War Treasures
The materials in this online collection are drawn from the New-York Historical Society's rich archival collections that document the Civil War. Images in the twelve archival collections that relate to the Civil War include recruiting posters for New York City regiments of volunteers; stereographic views documenting the mustering of soldiers and of popular support for the Union in New York City; photography showing the war's impact, both in the north and south; and drawings and writings by ordinary soldiers on both sides.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion
Slavery and Abolition in the US: Select Publications of the 1800s
A digital collection of books and pamphlets that demonstrate the varying ideas and beliefs about slavery in the United States as expressed by Americans throughout the nineteenth century.
Thomas Jackson Letters
The Thomas Jackson Letters are a unique collection of previously unpublished letters describing facts and feelings about slavery and the American Civil War as seen from the grass roots level in Reading, Pennsylvania. These detailed, authentic, contemporary reports, most in excellent condition, are the letters of rope-maker Thomas Jackson.
Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846–1869
Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846–1869 is a collection of the original writings of 49 voyagers on the Mormon, California, Oregon, and Montana trails who wrote while traveling on the trail. Some diarists speak with uncommon eloquence and others with maddening brevity, while telling their stories of persistence and pain, birth and death, God and gold, dust and debris, bugs and buffalo, love and laughter, and trail tedium.
The Valley of the Shadow
The Valley of the Shadow details life in two communities, one Northern and one Southern, from the time of John Brown's Raid through the era of Reconstruction.
The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Contains the formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders, and returns relating specially thereto.
American History - 20th Century
Civil Rights Digital Library
The Civil Rights Digital Library Initiative represents one of the most ambitious and comprehensive efforts to date to deliver educational content on the Civil Rights Movement via the Web. The struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s is among the most far-reaching social movements in the nation's history, and it represents a crucial step in the evolution of American democracy.
Digital Archives, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
The objectives are to digitize, index and retain permanently millions of presidential documents, photographs and audiovisual recordings; provide online accessibility to a worldwide audience; search collections using metadata; protect historical assets through remote replication; and minimize wear and tear on irreplaceable physical assets.
Dust Bowl Migration
Archive related to the migration of Americans to California during the era of the Great Depression
Florida Goes to War: The Sunshine State in World War II
Florida Goes to War: The Sunshine State in World War II provides content and materials pertaining to the World War II experience in Florida. It includes resources on the military, race, economics, the role of women, pre- and post-war statistics, and oral history interviews with Florida WW II veterans.
Japanese Americans Relocation Digital Archives
JARDA contains thousands of Japanese American internment primary source materials:
•Personal diaries, letters, photographs, and drawings
•US War Relocation Authority materials, including camp newsletters, final reports, photographs, and other documents relating to the day-to-day administration of the camps
•Personal histories documenting the lives of the people who lived in the camps as well as the administrators who created and worked in the camps
Living New Deal
The mission of the Living New Deal is three-fold: research, presentation and education. It begins with the historical work of uncovering the immense riches of New Deal public works. That research is then made available to all through digital mapping and a website that serves as a clearinghouse for information on the New Deal.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute
Building upon the achievements of Stanford University’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute supports a broad range of activities illuminating the Nobel Peace laureate’s life and the movements he inspired. The Institute’s publications, public programs, workshops, and website inform a diverse global audience about King’s dream of global peace with social justice.
Military Resources: Cold War
Resources from the National Archives
War In Korea
Bay of Pigs
Vietnam War
Military Resources: World War I
Resources from the National Archives
Military Resources: World War II
Resources from the National Archives
Voices From the Dustbowl
Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection is an online presentation of a multi-format ethnographic field collection documenting the everyday life of residents of Farm Security Administration (FSA) migrant work camps in central California in 1940 and 1941. This collection consists of audio recordings, photographs, manuscript materials, publications, and ephemera generated during two separate documentation trips.
The Watergate Files
Resources from the National Archives
American History - 21sr Century
September 11, 2001 Documentary Project
The September 11, 2001, Documentary Project captures the heartfelt reactions, eyewitness accounts, and diverse opinions of Americans and others in the months that followed the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. Patriotism and unity mixed with sadness, anger, and insecurity are common themes expressed in this online presentation of almost 200 audio and video interviews, 45 graphic items, and 21 written narratives.
CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology
Located a short distance north of Boston, CAST is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
Center for Studies in Higher Education
Established in 1956, the Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) is the first research institute in the United States devoted to the study of higher education. The Center’s mission is to produce and support multi-disciplinary scholarly perspectives on strategic issues in higher education, conduct policy relevant research, promote the development of a community of scholars and policymakers engaged in policy oriented discussion, and continue the Center’s public service role as a resource on higher education.
CPALMS is an online toolbox of information, vetted resources, and interactive tools that helps educators effectively implement teaching standards. It is the State of Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions.
Digest of Education Statistics
The primary purpose of the Digest of Education Statistics is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest includes a selection of data from many sources, both government and private, and draws especially on the results of surveys and activities carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). To qualify for inclusion in the Digest, material must be nationwide in scope and of current interest and value. The publication contains information on a variety of subjects in the field of education statistics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, federal funds for education, libraries, and international education.
Education Commission of the States
This site features comprehensive packages of information on a growing number of early learning, K-12 and postsecondary issues, ranging from broad overviews to indepth policy analyses.
Education Policy and Data Center (EPDC)
The Education Policy and Data Center (EPDC) provides free global education data, tools for better data visualization, and policy-oriented analysis aimed at improving schools and learning in developing countries.
Educator's Reference Desk
In 1993, the Information Institute of Syracuse, operators of the widely acclaimed AskERIC service, was first in the world to place a search interface to ERIC on the Internet. Searching ERIC on the AskERIC website quickly became one of the most popular ways for educators and researchers to search for educational information.
A comprehensive data and analysis source for key topics in education.
ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
Florida School Grades
Florida school accountability reports
MERLOT is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy.
National Center on Education and the Economy
The National Center on Education and the Economy was created in 1988 to analyze the implications of changes in the international economy for American education, formulate an agenda for American education based on that analysis and seek wherever possible to accomplish that agenda through policy change and development of the resources educators would need to carry it out.
National Center for Education Statistics
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects, analyzes and makes available data related to education in the U.S. and other nations.
Teachers College Record
The Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University.
A-Z List of Country and Other Area Pages
Information about countries from the U.S. Department of State
African Online Digital Library (AODL)
AODL is an open access digital library of African cultural heritage materials created by Michigan State University in collaboration with museums, archives, scholars, and communities around the world.
Arctic Portal
The Arctic Portal provides a comprehensive gateway to the Arctic on the internet, increases co-operation between both public and private parties across the Arctic and grants exposure to Arctic related information.
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
The Atlas of Historical County Boundaries is meant to be a resource for people seeking records of past events, and people trying to analyze, interpret and display county-based historical data like returns of elections and censuses, and for people working on state and local history projects.
Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States
Over eighty years after it was originally published, Charles O. Paullin’s Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States remains one of the most impressive and most useful atlases of American history.
By collecting and analyzing data from numerous sources, we're able to create detailed, informative profiles of all cities in the United States. From crime rates to weather patterns, you can find the data you're looking for on
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Expeditions and Discoveries
Expeditions and Discoveries delivers maps, photographs, and published materials, as well as field notes, letters, and a unique range of manuscript materials on selected expeditions between 1626 and 1953.
Geospatial Platform
The Geospatial Platform provides shared and trusted geospatial data, services, and applications for use by government agencies, their partners and the public
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names® Online
The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ® (TGN), The Art & Architecture Thesaurus ® (AAT), and the Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN) are structured vocabularies that can be used to improve access to information about art, architecture, and material culture.
Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies
The Harte Research Institute, an endowed research component of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, is dedicated to advancing the long-term sustainable use and conservation of the Gulf of Mexico.
Historical Sea Ice Atlas
Multiple sources of historical sea ice data from the oceans surrounding northern Alaska
History of Cartography Project
The History of Cartography Project is a research, editorial, and publishing venture drawing international attention to the history of maps and mapping. The Project's major work is the multi-volume History of Cartography series.
IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. IPUMS integration and documentation makes it easy to study change, conduct comparative research, merge information across data types, and analyze individuals within family and community contexts. Data and services available free of charge.
National Historical Geographic Information System
The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2011.
The National Map
The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation. It has many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response.
National Ocean Service
NOS provides world-class science and services in support of resilient and healthy coastal communities, economies, and ecosystems. In light of increasing threats to our coasts, coastal resiliency has become a national priority.
National Wild and Scenic Rivers
The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System was created by Congress in 1968 (Public Law 90-542; 16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.) to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
Office of Population Research at Princeton University
The Office of Population Research (OPR) at Princeton University is a leading demographic research and training center.
Old Maps Online indexes over 400.000 maps.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
The PCL Map Collection includes more than 250,000 maps, yet less than 30% of the collection is currently online.
Pew Research Center Publications on Demography
This section features selected Pew Research Center reports (since 2005) on population trends and immigration flows.
Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI)
The Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) is a well-known and long-established centre for research into both polar regions.
Social and Demographic Trends
The Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends project studies behaviors and attitudes of Americans in key realms of their lives, including family, community, health, finance, work and leisure.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI is the world's largest private, nonprofit ocean research, engineering and education organization.
Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest.
World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute is a global environmental think tank that goes beyond research to put ideas into action.
Administration on Aging
The mission of AoA is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of home and community-based services that helps elderly individuals maintain their health and independence in their homes and communities.
Alliance for Aging Research
The private, not-for-profit Alliance for Aging Research is a national citizen advocacy organization working to improve the lives of Americans as they grow older by advancing biomedical and behavioral research in aging and health.
Health and Retirement Study
The University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study (HRS) surveys more than 22,000 Americans over the age of 50 every two years. Supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA U01AG009740) and the Social Security Administration, the HRS is a large-scale longitudinal project that studies the labor force participation and health transitions that individuals undergo toward the end of their work lives and in the years that follow.
Huffington Center on Aging
One of the premier centers on aging in the world, the Huffington Center on Aging was formed in 1988 with the generosity of the late Roy M. and Phyllis Gough Huffington, Houston philanthropists who foresaw the need for an academic entity devoted to studying aging, providing care for older people, and teaching future health professionals and researchers about geriatrics and gerontology.
Information from the American Federation for Aging Research
National Institute on Aging
NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.
NIA Demography Center
The Behavioral and Social Research Program at the National Institute on Aging supports fourteen P30 Centers on the Demography of Aging at leading universities and policy organizations around the U.S.
Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research
The National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Nursing Research , and the Office of Research in Minority Health created a program to decrease the minority/non-minority differential in health and its social sequelae for older people by focusing research upon health promotion, disease prevention, and disability prevention.
The Silver Book
The Silver Book® is an almanac of more than 1,000 facts, statistics, graphs, and data from more than 200 agencies, organizations, and experts.
USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging
Supported by the Agricultural Research Service, the HNRCA is the largest research institution in the world devoted to investigating the relationship between nutrition and aging.
Avalon Project
The Avalon Project will mount digital documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government.
Connected Histories
Connected Histories provides an integrated search facility for interrogating 15 major electronic resources in early modern and 19th-century British history.
Early English Laws
Website of digital images of manuscripts, translations and new scholarly editions of all English legal codes, edicts and treatises produced up until Magna Carta 1215.
These links connect to European primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. T
Lloyd's Register of Ships online
We can provide information on Lloyd's Register classed ships dating back to 1764, and on merchant ships of more than 100 gross tons, regardless of class, dating from the mid-1870s. Our records of shipowners date from 1876 and the Lloyd's Register of Yachts dates from 1878 to 1980 (this was superseded by the Lloyd's Register of Classed Yachts, which itself ceased publication in 1996, with special editions in 1999, 2000 and 2002).
History - Ancient and Medieval
Cuneiform Library at Cornell University
Through the combined efforts of the Department of Near Eastern Studies, the Cornell University Library and the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) at UCLA the substantial collection of cuneiform tablets in the Jonathan and Jeannette Rosen Ancient Near Eastern Seminar in the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University is in the process of being made available as an online data set.
Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women in the Ancient World
Diotima serves as an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world.
Diversity in the Desert: Daily Life in Greek and Roman Egypt
This exhibit brings together examples that show how documents can help scholars reconstruct people's lives in ancient Egypt in the ten centuries after Alexander the Great arrived in 332 B.C.E.
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE.
The corpus contains Sumerian texts in transliteration, English prose translations and bibliographical information for each composition. The transliterations and the translations can be searched, browsed and read online using the tools of the website.
Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives
A multi-institutional collaborative project funded by the Mellon Foundation "to enhance the study of the history and culture of the ancient Near East." Contains collection of the earliest written texts (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, and alphabets) in digitized form, archaeological site reports, a guide to "networked open access data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world" (ABZU), and a Web repository for translations of Akkadian materials (eTACT).
Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World
The EHW aims to offer a complete view of the development, spatial dissemination of the Hellenic cultural phenomenon through time.
A multi-institutional collaborative project funded by the Mellon Foundation "to enhance the study of the history and culture of the ancient Near East." Contains collection of the earliest written texts (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, and alphabets) in digitized form, archaeological site reports, a guide to "networked open access data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world" (ABZU), and a Web repository for translations of Akkadian materials (eTACT).
Eternal Egypt
Eternal Egypt brings to light over five thousand years of Egyptian civilization. Eternal Egypt is a living record of a land rich in art and history, people and places, myths and religions. The stories of Eternal Egypt are told using the latest interactive technologies, high-resolution imagery, animations, virtual environments, remote cameras, three-dimensional models and more.
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
This site focuses on online texts, which, for the most part, means public domain texts translated more than 75 years ago.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, makes available a wide range of texts which address elite governmental, legal, religious and economic concerns, as well as a large selection of texts on women's and gender history, Islamic and Byzantine history, Jewish history, and social history .
Propylaeum, the Virtual Library Classical Studies
The Internet portal provides subject information across the entire spectrum of Classical Studies.
History - 19th Century
French Revolution Digital Archive
The French Revolution Digital Archive (FRDA) is a multi-year collaboration of the Stanford University Libraries and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) to produce a digital version of the key research sources of the French Revolution and make them available to the international scholarly community.
NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship)
NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship) is a scholarly organization devoted to forging links between the material archive of the nineteenth century and the digital research environment of the twenty-first.
The Victorian Web
The Victorian Web is the WWW translation of Brown University's Context 61, which served as a resource for courses in Victorian literature [follow for syllabus of one such course.]
History - 20th Century
The 1947 Partition Archive
The 1947 Partition Archive records life stories shaped by Partition.
Witnesses are waiting right now to share their incredible and historic memories.
The Anne Frank Centre
The Anne Frank Center USA is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the universal message of tolerance by developing and disseminating a variety of educational programs, including exhibitions, workshops, and special events.
Europeana 1914-1918 – untold stories & official histories of WW1
Explore stories, films and historical material about the First World War and contribute your own family history.
European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
At the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, we foster dialogue on 20th-century European history. We do this by organising a wide range of projects, from exhibitions and publications to workshops, study visits and conferences. Our aim is, guided by the spirit of mutual trust, to support the development of a common European culture of remembrance.
The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies is a collection of over 4,400 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust. Part of Yale University's department of Manuscripts and Archives, the archive is located at Sterling Memorial Library
Holocaust Encyclopedia
Organized by theme, this site uses text, historical photographs, maps, images of artifacts, and audio clips to provide an overview of the Holocaust.
Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center
The mission of the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center is to ensure that the individual experiences of survivors and victims of the Holocaust and Nazi-era persecution are collected, preserved and disseminated for future generations.
Japanese-American Internment Camp Newspapers, 1942 to 1946
Produced by the Japanese-Americans interned at assembly centers and relocation centers around the country during World War II, these newspapers provide a unique look into the daily lives of the people who were held in these camps. They include articles written in English and Japanese, typed, handwritten and drawn. They advertise community events, provide logistical information about the camps and relocation, report on news from the community, and include editorials.
Life After the Holocaust : Stories of Holocaust Survivors After the War
This Web site documents the experiences of six Holocaust survivors whose journeys brought them to the United States, and reveals the complexities of starting over.
LUMS Digital Archive
The LUMS Digital Archive is a research repository that aims at collecting, cataloging and preserving rare material (books, pamphlets, newspapers and other items) of historical significance and making them available to researchers. In particular, the archive focuses on events, groups, movements and personalities relating to broader historical, political and cultural trends in South Asia, with an emphasis on preserving the accounts of marginalized and subaltern groups.
Palestinian Oral History Archive
The Palestinian Oral History Archive is a project to digitize, index, catalog, preserve, and provide access (through a searchable digital platform) to an archival collection of around 1,000 hours of testimonies with first generation Palestinians and other Palestinian communities in Lebanon. POHA documents the life stories of Palestinians residing in refugee camps and different communities in Lebanon. The Archive's main focus is personal accounts surrounding the Nakba, a defining moment in Palestinian history and collective experience. Furthermore, the collection contains life narratives of the pre-Nakba period in pre-1948 Palestine, folktales and songs, as well as stories of the women in Ein el-Helwe camp after its destruction in 1982.
The Vietnam Center and Archive
The Vietnam Center and Archive collects and preserves the documentary record of the Vietnam War, and supports and encourages research and education regarding all aspects of the American Vietnam Experience.
World War One Document Archive
This archive of primary documents from World War One has been assembled by volunteers of the World War I Military History List (WWI-L). International in focus, the archive intends to present in one location primary documents concerning the Great War.
YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland
This website presents highlights from YIVO’s archival collections on Polish Jewry before the Holocaust. It includes thousands of documents, posters, and photographs from the most significant Polish Jewish collections along with detailed finding aids, online exhibitions and media galleries, and two background essays.
The Africa Portal
The Africa Portal is an online knowledge resource for policy-related issues on Africa.
The Arabian Gulf Digital Archives (“AGDA”)
The Arabian Gulf Digital Archives (“AGDA”) is an online archive that has been created to showcase historical and cultural material that tells the story of the rich, intriguing and complex history of the Arabian Gulf.
Archives Portal Europe
Welcome to the Archives Portal Europe
The Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from different European countries as well as information on archival institutions throughout the continent.
Asia Society is the leading global and pan-Asian organization working to strengthen relationships and promote understanding among the people, leaders, and institutions of the United States and Asia.
BBC Country Profiles
Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions.
They also include audio and video clips from BBC archives.
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS)
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL), based in Chicago, is an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries.
Center for Immigration Studies
The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization. Since our founding in 1985, we have pursued a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.
Center for Migration and Development
The Center for Migration and Development (CMD) promotes scholarship, original research, and intellectual exchange among faculty and students with an interest in international migration and national development.
Center for the Study of Democracy
Founded in late 1989, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is a public policy institute fostering the reform process in Europe through impact on policy and civil society.
The Complete World Development Report Online
The Complete World Development Report Online provides access to every page of every World Development Report published by the World Bank since the first report was released in 1978.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.
Country Studies
Country Studies Series presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.
Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations (United Nations)
DPI/NGO Relations proactively reaches out to representatives of approximately 1,300 members of civil society who seek information about the UN and look for opportunities to support the Organization at the international, regional, national and community levels. Among the many services provided by our office, the most important ones are the Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference (NGO Relations' premier event for civil society at the UN), the weekly Briefings, two Communication Workshops, two orientation programmes for new representatives and NGOs, the youth initiative, and the Resource Centre.
Digital Library for International Research (DLIR)
The Digital Library for International Research (DLIR), formerly the American Overseas Digital Library (AODL). The DLIR is a cost-effective, efficient, centralized, Internet-based mechanism for the standardization and electronic delivery of important bibliographic and full-text primary and secondary source information from all CAORC member centers. E-resources on the DLIR website currently include:
DLIR Digital Archive: digital access to rare research materials;
African Language Materials Archive (ALMA): e-books in indigenous African languages;
Photo Archives of AIIS (Center for Art and Archaeology): photographs and slides of South Asian art and architecture;
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS): sixteen important early maps and related information from the Mediterranean region;
Middle East Research Journals (MERJ): full-text access to five journals, as well as bibliographic records for 1,900 journals;
Digitalized Legal Texts of Outer Mongolia: nearly 1,600 digital scans of laws and regulations written in Mongol script;
Tod Nomin Gerel Collection: Oirat religious, historical and literary documents from collections in Khovd and Bayan Ulgii provinces in Mongolia;
Khmer Language Books: digital versions of novels, textbooks, and educational journals from the National Library of Camodia's colonial and pre-1975 collection;
Furniture and Decorative Arts of Sri Lanka: about 1,000 images of 400 unique items from the 17th-19th centuries;
Mustapha Bouchoucha Photograph Collection: 8,155 images depicting people, events, views and objects relating to Tunisia;
American Board Pamphlet Collection, American Board Periodicals Collection, and American Board Personnel Card Collection: pamphlets, journals, and personnel records, respectively, of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM).
Encycloaedia Iranica
The Encyclopædia Iranica is a comprehensive research tool dedicated to the study of Iranian civilization in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.
European Union Open Data Portal
The Open Data Portal provides open access to a growing range of data produced by the institutions and other bodies of the European Union. It contains almost 6,000 datasets from EUROSTAT. Other contributors include the European Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre, and Directorate-General for Health and Consumers. Data are free to use, reuse, link and redistribute for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
The official website of the European Union, offering access to EU law & publications.
Eurostat’s mission is to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service is the U.S. government’s flagship website for making U.S. foreign assistance data available to the public. It serves as the central resource for budgetary and financial data produced by U.S. government agencies that manage foreign assistance portfolios.
Foreign Trade
FOREIGN TRADE is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States.
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC)
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy arm of the American Immigration Council.
INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute)
INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute) is a joint project of the United Nations University and the University of Ulster.
Institute for Security Studies
The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is the Union’s Agency analysing foreign, security and defence policy issues. Its core mission is to assist the EU and its member states in the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), including the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as well as other external action of the Union.
Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question
This website, containing thousands of events, biographies, highlights, places and primary documents, traces the history of modern Palestine, from the end of the Ottoman era to the present.
International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT)
Founded in 1996, the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) is one of the leading academic institutes for counter-terrorism in the world, facilitating international cooperation in the global struggle against terrorism. ICT is an independent think tank providing expertise in terrorism, counter-terrorism, homeland security, threat vulnerability, risk assessment, intelligence analysis, national security and defense policy.
International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 187 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Japan Links
Comprehensive directory of useful websites providing information about Japan.
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
The Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) is affiliated with the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) at the University of Texas at Austin. LANIC has received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and UT Austin's College of Liberal Arts. LANIC is a key component of the International Information Systems, also based at UT Austin.
Migration Policy Institute
The MPI Data Hub showcases in-depth and latest data on immigrant trends and patterns in the United States and around the world.
National Bureau of Asian Research
The National Bureau of Asian Research is committed to advanced independent research on issues affecting U.S. relations with Asia. Much of NBR’s research is undertaken by the world’s best specialists, working under contract on specific research projects. NBR develops research guidelines for these projects, but the specialists conduct independent research and reach independent conclusions, which are subject to peer review before publication.
NGO Research Guide
Information compiled by Duke University concerning Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO).
The Official Documents System of the United Nations (ODS) covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information. The ODS is a multilingual system.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. We work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change. We measure productivity and global flows of trade and investment. We analyse and compare data to predict future trends. We set international standards on all sorts of things, from the safety of chemicals and nuclear power plants to the quality of cucumbers.
Pew Research Center Publications on Immigration
This section features selected Pew Research Center reports (since 2005) on immigration trends and analysis of their impact. Individual project websites may contain more reports related to this topic.
Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project
The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project conducts public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day. More than 240,000 interviews in 57 countries have been conducted as part of the project’s work.
RAND Corporation
Begun in 1946 as a research project (Project Rand) backed by a single client (the U.S. Army Air Forces), in 1948, RAND became an independent, nonprofit research institution committed to exploring society's most complex and consequential problems. Committed to critical issues of particular relevance to the public policy debate, RAND's core research areas are: Children and Families; Education and the Arts; Energy and Environment; Health and Health Care; Infrastructure and Transportation; International Affairs; Law and Business; National Security; Population and Aging; Public Safety; Science and Technology; Terrorism and Homeland Security. Roughly 95 percent of RAND research is unclassified and publicly available through free downloads. About 10,000 titles are currently online; RAND is in the process of putting their entire 60-year unclassified legacy online.
UN Data
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) launched a new internet based data service for the global user community. It brings UN statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single entry point ( Users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system.
United Nations
The website for the United Nations
United Nations Demographic Yearbook
The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population.
United Nations Digital Library
Provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format free of charge
United Nations Official Documents System
Provides access to the full text of United Nations Parliamentary documentation and official records from 1992 and resolutions from 1946 to the present.
United Nations Treaty Collection
Under Article 102 of the UN Charter, the United Nations Treaty Section is charged with the responsibility to carry out the registration of treaties and subsequent treaty actions with the Secretariat and to publish them in a timely fashion. Accordingly, the United Nations Treaty Collection comprises four major recurrent products: UNTS (UN Treaty Series), MTDSG (Multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General), UNTS (Cumulative Index), and the monthly Statements of Treaties and International Agreements, as well as Summary of practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, Treaty Handbook, Handbook of Final Clauses and issues of Treaty Event Focus books. All Treaty Section’s publications are available online in full-text. This database is useful for the text of treaties from around the world, as well as locating current status and signatories.
Wilson Center
The Wilson Center, chartered by Congress in 1968 as the official memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, is the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue to inform actionable ideas for the policy community.
World Bank Data
This site is meant to provide all users with improved access to World Bank data and to make that data easy to find and use.
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge.
World Leaders
Produced by the Central Intelligence Agency. A directory of leaders of countries throughout the world.
World Public Opinion
In our growing global environment, this website provides information and analysis about public opinion around the world and serves as a ready reference source for topical information as well as being fully embedded on a research level. "As the world becomes increasingly integrated, problems have become increasingly global, pointing to a greater need for understanding between nations and for elucidating global norms." The frequency at which the public opinion information is provided is very good for many regions and topics.
World Trade Organization Documents Online
Over 100,000 searchable and browsable documents of the World Trade Organization, including the legal texts of the WTO agreements dating back to 1995, updated daily. Selected material is available for the period 1986 to 1994
American Enterprise Institute
The American Enterprise Institute is a community of scholars and supporters committed to expanding liberty, increasing individual opportunity, and strengthening free enterprise.
American National Election Studies (ANES)
The American National Election Studies (ANES) produces high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists who want to better understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes. Central to this mission is the active involvement of the ANES research community in all phases of the project.
American Presidency Project
The American Presidency Project (, was established in 1999 as a collaboration between John T. Woolley & Gerhard Peters at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Our archives contain 117,148 documents related to the study of the Presidency.
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
Biographical information about United States Congressmen from 1774 to present
Brookings Institution
The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals:
•Strengthen American democracy;
•Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans and
•Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system.
Buckley Online
This website contains the complete writings of William F. Buckley, Jr. Transcripts from his longrunning TV show, Firing Line are available at the Hoover Institution.
Center for Digital Democracy
The Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) is recognized as one of the leading consumer protection and privacy organizations in the United States. Since its founding in 2001 (and prior to that through its predecessor organization, the Center for Media Education), CDD has been at the forefront of research, public education, and advocacy on protecting consumers in the digital age. It has helped foster widespread debate, educating a spectrum of stakeholders, and creating a legacy of government and self-regulatory safeguards across a variety of Internet and digital media platforms. CDD’s public education programs are focused on informing consumers, policy makers, and the press about contemporary digital marketing issues,
Center for Policy Research
The Center for Policy Research (CPR) is a private, nonprofit research agency founded in 1981 to work with public and private sector service providers to plan, develop, and test projects that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of human service agencies and the justice, health and education systems.
Center for Political Studies
The Center for Political Studies is recognized around the world as a leading center for the quantitative study of politics. Scholars at the center investigate the interactions among institutions, political processes, and individuals - themes united by a concern for understanding democratic politics.
Civil Rights History Project
The Civil Rights History Project was created by an act of Congress in 2009, sponsored in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative Carolyn McCarthy (NY) and co-sponsored by Representatives Sanford D. Bishop (GA), William Lacy Clay (MO), John Lewis (GA) and Mike Quigley (IL). "The fight for civil rights was one of the most significant social and cultural movements in our nation's history, and this project will help future generations understand the struggle to make the dream of equality and freedom a reality for all Americans," said Rep. McCarthy in proposing the legislation. In the Senate, the sponsor was Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the cosponsors were Senators Lamar Alexander (TN), Robert F. Bennett (UT), Thad Cochran (MS), Edward Kennedy (MA), Carl Levin (MI) and Charles Schumer (NY). The act was signed into law in May 2009 by President Barack Obama.
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
(CSES) is a collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world. Participating countries include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies. The resulting data are deposited along with voting, demographic, district and macro variables. The studies are then merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and cross-level analysis.
Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA)
The Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA) is a repository of detailed election results at the constituency level for lower house legislative elections from around the world.
Cornell University collection of political Americana
The collection consists of published material, ephemera, and artifacts dating to between 1800 and 1976, including ballots and slates of candidates; promotional broadsides, handbills, and posters; political cartoons (primarily from Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, and Puck); lithographs and prints (primarily by Kellogg, N. Currier, and Currier & Ives); pamphlets, leaflets, and brochures; songbooks and sheet music; badges, pins, ferrotypes and celluloid buttons; campaign ribbons; parade equipment such as lanterns, torches, banners, and walking sticks; bandanas and other textiles; and souvenirs of all kinds including plates, cups, vases, trays, bottles, sewing boxes, and games.
We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.
The purpose of the database is to give journalists, analysts, government officials, and regular citizens easy access to information on federal spending.
Follow the Money
The National Institute on Money in State Politics researches and archives a 50-state federal/state database of contributions documenting $50+ billion, plus more than 2 million state lobbyist-client relationships that are registered annually. Recent expansions include selected local-level data, collecting independent spending reports for federal campaigns and in 31 states, and political action committees in federal races and in 36 states.
Freedom in the 50 States
This study comprehensively ranks the American states on their public policies that affect individual freedoms in the economic, social, and personal spheres. It updates, expands, and improves upon our inaugural 2009 Freedom in the 50 States study. For this new edition, we have added more policy variables (such as bans on trans fats and the audio recording of police, Massachusetts’s individual health-insurance mandate, and mandated family leave), improved existing measures (such as those for fiscal policies, workers’ compensation regulations, and asset-forfeiture rules), and developed specific policy prescriptions for each of the 50 states based on our data and a survey of state policy experts. With a consistent time series, we are also able to discover for the first time which states have improved and worsened in regard to freedom recently.
Gandhi Heritage Portal
The Gandhi Heritage Portal is an online resource with many writings and other materials pertaining to Mohandas K. Gandhi. It is a project developed and maintained by the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust in Ahmedabad, India. Online resources in English, Hindi, and Gujarati include digital versions of the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, the Key Texts of Mahatma Gandhi (e.g., Hind Swaraj, Satyagraha in South Africa, The Story of My Experiments with Truth), and journals (e.g., Indian Opinion, Young India, Harijan). Other resources include films, photographs, cartoons, tributes to Gandhiji, and Gandhi Heritage Sites, a resource for the places that Gandhi visited in India, the Indian subcontinent, and the rest of the world.
The Living Room Candidate
The Living Room Candidate contains more than 300 commercials, from every presidential election since 1952,
Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
Open States
Discover politics in your own state
Patchwork Nation
Patchwork Nation is a reporting project of the Jefferson Institute that aims to explore what is happening in the United States by examining different kinds of communities over time. The effort uses demographic, voting and cultural data to cluster and organize communities into “types of place.” Patchwork divides America's 3,141 counties into 12 community types based characteristics, such as income level, racial composition, employment and religion.
Pew Research Center Publications on Politics and Elections
This section features selected Pew Research Center reports (since 2005) on national and state politics from Pew Research Center projects. Individual project websites contain more reports related to this topic.
Political database of the Americas
The Political Database of the Americas (PDBA) is a non-governmental project of the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Georgetown University in collaboration with institutions like the Secretariat for Political Affairs of the Organization of American States and FLACSO-Chile, and also with the support of other organizations and entities in the region.
RAND Corporation
Begun in 1946 as a research project (Project Rand) backed by a single client (the U.S. Army Air Forces), in 1948, RAND became an independent, nonprofit research institution committed to exploring society's most complex and consequential problems. Committed to critical issues of particular relevance to the public policy debate, RAND's core research areas are: Children and Families; Education and the Arts; Energy and Environment; Health and Health Care; Infrastructure and Transportation; International Affairs; Law and Business; National Security; Population and Aging; Public Safety; Science and Technology; Terrorism and Homeland Security. Roughly 95 percent of RAND research is unclassified and publicly available through free downloads. About 10,000 titles are currently online; RAND is in the process of putting their entire 60-year unclassified legacy online.
Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity: The Source for News, Ideas and Action
Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity was launched in October 2007 by major U.S. foundations to foster non-partisan debate during the 2008 campaign season about policy approaches for addressing poverty and opportunity. Today, Spotlight provides a platform for ongoing discussion about how best to address the needs of those who have fallen into poverty during the Great Recession and those who have struggled for generations to move up the economic ladder.
States Perform
States Perform is an initiative of the Council of State Governments that provides users with access to interactive, customizable and up-to-date comparative performance measurement data for 50 states in six key areas: fiscal and economic, public safety and justice, energy and environment, transportation, health and human services, and education. Compare performance across a few or all states, profile one state, view trends over time, and customize your results with graphs and maps.
Urban Institute
Urban's mission is to open minds, shape decisions, and offer solutions through economic and social policy research.
Vital Statistics on Congress Data on the U.S. Congress
Vital Statistics on Congress, a joint effort undertaken by Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and Tom Mann of Brookings, in collaboration with Michael Malbin of the Campaign Finance Institute, has been a go-to reference guide for Congressional watchers for impartial data on Congress and its members.
This website is an electronic archive for papers in various disciplines, the site includes papers on psychology and neuroscience.
National Institute of Mental Health
The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.
Positive Psychology Center
The Positive Psychology Center is located at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Martin Seligman is the director of the center and Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology.
A comprehensive and balanced selection of psychological resources from a growing number of international databases with a European focus. Covers the needs of academic and professional psychologists.
Stanford Center on Adolescence
The Stanford Center on Adolescence aims to promote the character and competence of all young people growing up in today's world. The Center's work provides guidance for parenting, for improved educational practice, and for youth development in a wide variety of community settings.
Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy
The Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy was established in the fall of 1998 to promote academic excellence and national leadership in the analysis of housing studies and the application of knowledge to urban policy.
Center for Research on Child Wellbeing
The Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing (CRCW) is an interdisciplinary center at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Office of Population Research at Princeton University.
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University works towards advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide. For over 60 years, the institute has been a trusted source for investigating and informing the world about critical issues in sex, gender and reproduction.
Monitoring the Future
Monitoring the Future is an ongoing study of the behaviors, attitudes, and values of American secondary school students, college students, and young adults.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is one of the 27 institutes and centers that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIAAA supports and conducts research on the impact of alcohol use on human health and well-being. It is the largest funder of alcohol research in the world.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
The NSVRC staff collects and disseminates a wide range of resources on sexual violence including statistics, research, position statements, statutes, training curricula, prevention initiatives and program information. With these resources, the NSVRC assists coalitions, advocates and others interested in understanding and eliminating sexual violence. The NSVRC has an active and diverse Advisory Council that assists and advises staff and ensures a broad national perspective. The NSVRC also enjoys a strong partnership with state, territory and tribal anti-sexual assault coalitions and allied organizations.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE and the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline at, and publicizes the hotline's free, confidential services; educates the public about sexual assault; and leads national efforts to prevent sexual assault, improve services to victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
Sexual Orientation: Science, Education and Policy
This site features work by Dr. Gregory Herek, an internationally recognized authority on sexual prejudice (also called homophobia), hate crimes, and AIDS stigma. It provides factual information to promote the use of scientific knowledge for education and enlightened public policy related to sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS.
Social Psychology Network
The Social Psychology Network, one of the largest Internet sites devoted to psychological research and teaching. In these pages, you'll find more than 18,000 links related to psychology.
Social Science Research Network
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences. We have received several excellence awards for our web site.
In these pages you will find more than 2,000 links to prejudice-related resources, as well as searchable databases with hundreds of prejudice researchers and social justice organizations.
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
Coordinates and catalyzes the federal response to homelessness, working in close partnership with senior leaders across our 19 federal member agencies.
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors priority health-risk behaviors and the prevalence of obesity and asthma among youth and young adults. The YRBSS includes a national school-based survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state, territorial, tribal, and district surveys conducted by state, territorial, and local education and health agencies and tribal governments.
American Women
The online Research Guide, which forms the core component of the American Women Web site, began life as a print publication. During a period of nearly four years, eighteen Library of Congress catalogers, reference specialists, and editors surveyed their collections and compiled a richly illustrated, 456-page resource guide titled, American Women: A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women's History and Culture in the United States, which was published in December 2001 by the Library of Congress in cooperation with the University Press of New England.
Discovering American Women's History Online
This database provides access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States. These diverse collections range from Ancestral Pueblo pottery to interviews with women engineers from the 1970s.
Margaret Sanger Papers Project
The Margaret Sanger Papers Project is a historical editing project sponsored by the Department of History at New York University. The Project was formed by Dr. Esther Katz in 1985 to locate, arrange, edit, research, and publish the papers of the noted birth control pioneer.
National Women's History Project
The National Women's History Project also operates an award-winning web site, which makes information about women available and widely accessible.
Women, Enterprise and Society
This Web-based publication identifies materials in the Business Manuscripts Collection at Baker Library that document women's participation in American business and culture from the eighteenth through the twentieth century.
Women Working 1800 - 1930
Women Working, 1800–1930 is a digital exploration of women's impact on the economic life of the United States between 1800 and the Great Depression. Working conditions, workplace regulations, home life, costs of living, commerce, recreation, health and hygiene, and social issues are among the issues documented in this online research collection from Harvard University.